Friday, March 18, 2011

Oracle Database Scripts

Just sharing you the metalink ID of Oracle Database scripts.
Database Scripts Library Index [ID 131704.1]


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Oc4jadmin default password in R12

Oc4jadmin default password could be 'secret' or 'oafm - Application server 10g R3 (

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

FRM-92101 and FRM-92050

Hi Readers,

I faced below two errors reported by end users many times but I did not face the same error even a single time. I crosschecked with my other team members and they also did not face the same . Even in Application log files I did not get much information. Most of the times we communicated to end users that the problem is with there laptop/desktop or some java issue etc. etc. because they face this issue intermittently. Finally issues has been caught. It's because of Internet explorer 8. We are using IE6 but few end users are using IE8.

1. Login to E-Business Suite
2. Select any Forms based responsibility
3. Select any Form function to launch Forms


1>FRM-92050: Failed to connect to the server: /forms/formservlet: -1
2>FRM-92101: There was a failure in the Forms during startup. This could happen due to an invalid configuration

Simply follow below metalink notes and do the mentioned ACTION PLAN's .You can also use temporary workaround as mentioned in the below notes:

a) [ID 389422.1] - Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
b) [ID 1103277.1] - Is Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) Certified With Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
c) [ID 1059574.1] - Internet Explorer Has Modified This Page To Prevent Cross-site Scripting
d)[ID 397174.1] - Deploying a New Forms .ear File in Oracle Applications Release 12

workarounds: snapshot from the metalink notes:

(i) The following temporary workaround, of disabling the XSS filter is not recommended, but has been reported and may be of help until you implement the supported solution delineated in Note 389422.1.1. In MSIE 8 > [Menu Bar ] >Tools > Internet Options > [Tab] Security > [Button] Custom Level > Scroll down to entry "Enable XSS Filter" > Select Disable XSS Filter > Click OK

(ii) Previous releases of Internet Explorer have allowed users to logon to the same Oracle E-Business Suite environment concurrently from the same desktop by launching each application session through a new browser session. By default the ‘Session Merging’ feature within IE8 prevents this functionality from working correctly. This IE8 functionality causes the same session id to be used when accessing the same Oracle E-Business Suite environment despite opening a new browser window to launch a second session. This can result in unusual behavior with invalid sessions causing errors such as “Your login session has become invalid" and failures to launch forms causing errors such as “FRM-92050: Failed to connect to the server: /forms/formservlet: -1"
To retain the use of multiple sessions to the same Oracle E-Business Suite environment with IE8, please use one of the workarounds below to ensure each browser session remains independent;
Open a new explorer window using its own session cookie by selecting 'File -> New Session' from an existing browser window.
Run from the command line adding the -nomerge parameter i.e. Start -> Run -> iexplore -nomerge
Create a new IE8 icon adding the -nomerge parameter i.e.
Start -> Program Files
Right click on the Internet Explorer icon and select Properties
Add -nomerge to the end of the link in the Target field i.e."C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -nomerge
Click the OK button to close the window
This icon may then be copied to the desktop if desired

Hope above docs will be helpul.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

javax.servlet.ServletException: Application: FND, Message Name: FND_NO_DATABASE_CONNECTION

Hi Readers,

7-8 months back I implemented R12.1.1 on Sun sparc-10 (64-bit) . End users start complaning that after giving username/password on login page and press login gives "unexpected error - please contact to your system administrator" . More interesting thing is that this issue comes intermittently .When end user tried again or refrehes the Internet explore and provide user credentials and clink on login , he/she logged in successfully into the applicaiton. I turned on FND_DIAGNOSTICS to Yes to see more details of the error.

Finally I got below error details and I raised a serv1 for this. After 4-5 months struggle finally oracle released the patch.

Oracle Support - February 9, 2011 1:27:33 PM GMT+05:30 [ODM Action Plan]
=== ODM Action Plan ===Patch 9908921 (9908921:R12.FWK.B Details) "FND, MESSAGE NAME: FND_NO_DATABASE_CONNECTION"has been released

To check more details of the error.

javax.servlet.ServletException: Application: FND, Message Name: FND_NO_DATABASE_CONNECTION.
at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.EvermindPageContext.handlePageThrowable(
at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.EvermindPageContext.handlePageException(
at _OALogout._jspService(
at com.orionserver[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
at oracle.apps.jtf.base.session.ReleaseResFilter.doFilter(
at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(
at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ]
at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ]
at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
10/10/18 09:32:59.564 html: OABodyBean, localName='body': Could not find partial target: Employment.EmpHistoryTab
10/10/18 09:48:07.480 html: OABodyBean, localName='body': Could not find partial target: Employment.EmpHistoryTab

When 9908921 Patch released (08-Feb-2011), it released in 2 versions. i.e. 9908921 for OA Framework 12.1.2 and 11832737 (FORWARD PORT OF 9908921 TO 12.1.3 - Released on 16-MAR-2011) for OA Framework 12.1.3 customers.This is documented in Doc Id # 1298103.1 (created as of 30-Mar-2011)

Hope this info is helpful.


Don't forget to leave your comments

install statspack for snap every 15 mins and snap for 2 hours between special window

Hi All,

Here is the requirement to configure statspack.

install statspackto take performance snapshots every 15 minutes on the 15 minutes except during our batch window of midnight until 7am, during which time we would like performance snapshots taken every 2 hours at the top of the hour (midnight, 2, 4 and 6).

To acheive the requirement we need to create function in which we will pass the data and time values. Same function will be used when we submit dbms_job.
1>Create a funciton.
variable JOB_NO number;variable INST_NO number;
DECLARE JOB_NO number(6);BEGINSELECT instance_number INTO :INST_NO FROM v$instance;
dbms_job.submit( :JOB_NO, 'statspack.snap;', to_date('03/MAR/11 00:00:00', 'dd/mon/yy HH24:MI:SS'), 'NEXTRUN', TRUE, :INST_NO);
dbms_job.submit( :JOB_NO, 'statspack.snap;', to_date('03/MAR/11 07:00:00', 'dd/mon/yy HH24:MI:SS'), 'NEXTRUN', TRUE, :INST_NO); COMMIT;END;

3>To verify the same next day.

Column Job# format a4Column What format a27Column Last_Date format a15Column Next_Date format a15select substr(to_char(job),1,3) Job#, substr(what,1,27) What, to_char(last_date, 'dd-MON-YY HH24:MI') Last_Date, to_char(Next_Date, 'dd-MON-YY HH24:MI') Next_Date, failures fail#, total_timefrom user_jobs;

