Friday, October 18, 2013

Change Native Admin user Password in Hyperion

Hi Guys,

In most cases , no one changes Hyperion admin password. Sometimes for Audit purpose you may need to change . 
I followed Metalink doc (808213.1) to change Admin password successfully and did end to end validation .

Environment :Hyperion , (Planning & Essbase) , SQL Database

Here is the step by step approach I followed.

1> Shutdown the services 
2> Take SQL repositories/DB's offline - Shared services and other databases for your environment.
3> Backup the folders where you installed/configured the software on all the servers (if multinode)                eg: c:/Hyperion and all the Essbase cubes.
4> Backup all the SQL repositories/DB's  

5>Rename the existing folders eg: C:\Hypeiron --> C:\Hypeiron_Orig
6> Rename the SQL DB's  eg:  HSS --> HSS_ORIG

7> Restore Folders from the backup
8> Restore SQL DB's form the backup (note: rename the datafiles while restoring so that original datafiles won't overwrite) Refer above image after restore HSS again appears
9> Start the DB's and services
10> Verify the environment (In my case everything was successfully)

11> Download LDAP Browser Editor

12> Unzip this on HSS Server
13> Right click on lbe.bat and edit the file . Set the JAVA path as per your environment
echo off

if "X%JAVA_HOME%" == "X" goto setjavahome
goto setup

rem #### MODIFY ##########
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Hyperion\common\JRE\Sun\1.5.0
rem #######################

set JNDI_LIB=lib\ldap.jar;lib\jndi.jar;lib\providerutil.jar;lib\ldapbp.jar
set JSSE_LIB=lib\jsse.jar;lib\jnet.jar;lib\jcert.jar

set EXEC=browser.jar lbe.ui.BrowserApp

set CMD="%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -cp %COMMON%;%EXEC%

echo %CMD%

14> Create new file 'openldap.cfg' on the same location where lbe.bat file resides.
 # LDAP Browser v2.8 config file #
 managerdn=cn=root, dc=css,dc=hyperion,dc=com

Port and Host information you can find on the workspace under MSAD configuration. Host name is most likely your HSS server name

15> After completion of above file,double click / execute lbe.bat file and select "openldap" and Connect.

16> Expand "ou=People" and select "cn=911"

17>Double-click on the userPassword field.

18> click “Set”, enter passwords the new password and click “OK”.

19> As per Metalink doc we need to verify the CSS.xml file . But in my case nothing has been changed in CSS.xml
20> Login to shared services with new Admin password. I hope you logged in successfully.
21> Restart the services and the servers 
22> Do the validation

NOTE: If you used admin user in Planning Data Sources then change the same there as well (If required). 

 In lower environment (eg: Admin password was stored in the openLDAP db and some info is stored in the repository DB. In later versions, everything is stored in the repository (RDBMS) DB. In, you just go into HSS console and update the password.

Happy Reading.

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