Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hyperion Deployment Options

Hyperion Deployment Options :

1>Compact Deployment : Utilize less memory

Means All the Web Applications of all the components will be Managed by Single Managed Server       (There is only one web Service of all the components )

During installation you can see below screen (you have to check or uncheck box as per your deployment requirement). If you check the box then all the components configured as a single service.

I configure DEV environment  on VM machines and install the Hyperion components in Compact mode.After install/configure you can see there is only one service for EPM -web server for all the components . Ignore other Hyperion services (those are for different components like EAL etc.)

           2> Rapid Deployment : Utilize More Memory

I configured TEST and PROD with Rapid Deployment. You have to uncheck the box. This is the recommended installation for PROD.

And after install/configure you can see too many services . Each component has one Web services.

 One more thing :

During installation your  Middleware home path should be same on each server  and should have different EPM oracle instance home during Configuration like for one server it could be epmsystem1 and for second server it could be epsystem2 and so on. Please refer below screens.

Note: Also during configuration you should create separate database  for each component in SQL server  and in Oracle there could be separate schema for each component. In this way you can manage databases for each component easily.

Eg: I created database names like

Advantages and Disadvantages you can read from various docs which you can search on Oracle site or Google.

If this helps , Leave comments.


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