Sunday, May 11, 2008

Change Sysadmin Password from backend

Hi Folks,
As you very much aware that you can change SYSADMIN password using FNDCPASS utility
FNDCPASS apps/appspwd 0 Y system/manager USER SYSADMIN sysadminpwd

Here I am giving another way to change the SYSADMIN password and Application User Login passwords using fnd_user_pkg from backend. Here is the procedure

sql> declare
var_l boolean;
sql> PL/SQL Procedure Successfully Compiled.
You can verify from backend that password has changed successfully or not without login to the application.

sql>select fnd_web_sec.validate_login('sysadmin','sysadminpwd') from dual;
should returns 'Y'.

Happy Reading

Monday, May 5, 2008

AppsLocalLogin.jsp gives blank page in R12

Hi Everyone,
Recently I faced one problem in R12 instance. I was not able to see the login screen after application URL. I got blank page on AppsLocalLogin.jsp or sometimes I got a message unable to autheticate the session instead of giving me username and password screen. Backend side everything is working fine. I did lot of head strikes and searched lot of docs but did not found any. I also compiled all the JSPs,cleared persistence logs etc. but problem did not get resolved. Finally after 5-6 hours hardwork I got the soultion , one of my collegue has written the update trigger on apps.fnd_user table as below

CREATE TRIGGER xyz_trigger
ON apps.fnd_user
BEGIN xx_demo.launch_work_process (:NEW.user_id, :NEW.user_name);

Simply, I disabled the update trigger and it works for me. AppsLocalLogin.jsp Page is opening fine.

But I could not understand how it happens. If anyone of you know the reason then please update me .