Monday, March 3, 2008

Multi Node to Single Node in 11i

Multi Node to Single node in 11i
Apps- DB-
Architecture- NODE A- Apps(Conc/Rep/admin),DB

NODE B- Apps(forms/web)
Purpose: Convert NODE A + NODE B = NODE A (multi node to single node)
Few easy steps to achieve this using "appsTier merge" and "appltop merge"
Prerequisties- Application tier patches- 4038964 and 4175764 AND AD Minipack AD.I.2 or more(would suggest apply latest one i.e (6502082)) . Better apply on both apps node with below syntax of adpatch
adpatch options=nocopyportion,nodatabaseportion,nogenerateportion,hotpatch
verify above patches and patch_level from table ad_bugs and fnd_products_installations .
Step 1> Login to NODE A as applmgr, run adadmin for maintain snapshot information.APPS & DB should be up & running till end.

Step 2> Now run adpreclone using merge option $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/
perl appsTier merge
This command will run from $AD_TOP/bin
Note: At this point you may get error like "Could not create the high water mark manifest....."
update AD patch set level AD.I.2 to higher(eg:
Then, Re-Run snapshot and again run 'perl appsTier merge'
Let it complete, This script will take time to complete and run below sqls. from $AD_TOP/bin
--$AD_TOP/patch/115/sql/admsnlst.sql (PL/SQL script to create manifest file used for merging APPL_TOPs)this script also create hfilever_appl_top.txt in appl-top/admin/out directory
--at last will run
Step 3> Login to NODE B as applmgr, run adadmin for maintain snapshot information.APPS & DB should be up & running till end.

Step 4> Now we will merge APPL_TOP using perl appltop merge
Let it run ...same sqls will run as in Step 2. But this script create 'appl' folder in "$COMMON_TOP/clone"
Step 5> Shutdown the APPS TIER on NODE A and NODE B using

Step 6> Copy 'appl' folder recursively from NODE B to NODE A '$COMMON_TOP/clone/'
Step 7> Final step is to run on NODE A.
perl appsTier and pass the parameters as per NODE A respectively.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amiable dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you seeking your information.